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[Download] Doctor Who Season 22 Episode 10 Timelash, Part One (1985) Full Online
The planet Karfel, in the distant future. The tyrannical Borad rules with an iron fist, and any who oppose him are cast into the Timelash - a space-time tunnel leading to the past of an alien world called Earth...
Episode Name: Timelash, Part One
Season Number: 22
Episode Number: 10
Original Name: Doctor Who
Air Date: 1985-03-09
Runtime: 25 min.
Network: BBC One
Country: GB
Original Language: English
Genres: Action & Adventure,Drama,Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Stars: Sylvester McCoy,Sophie Aldred
Guest Stars: Paul Darrow,Dicken Ashworth,Steven Mackintosh,Eric Deacon,Tracy Louise Ward,Christine Kavanagh,Denis Carey
Doctor Who Season 22 Episode 10 Timelash, Part One (1985)

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doctor who timelash part one tv epis 1985 imdb ~ season 22 epis 10. previous all episs 696 . timelash part one 09 mar 1985 5.4 /10. . and wells sneaks on board. the amulet is returned to tekker and the doctor is set to be thrown into the timelash. often classed as one of the worst serials in the shows history for good reason i guess its a bit tacky the script isnt .
doctor who 1963 season 22 epis 10 timelash part ~ watch doctor who 1963 season 22 epis 10 timelash part one the pl karfel in the distant future. the tyrannical borad rules with an iron fist and any who oppose him are cast .
doctor who 1963 season 22 epis 10 timelash part ~ doctor who 1963 season show reviews amp metacritic score the pl karfel in the distant future. the tyrannical borad rules with an iron fist and any who oppose him are cast into the timelash a spacetime tunnel.
doctor who season 22 imdb ~ for his impending coontation with the mysterious and cloistered borad dictator of karfel the doctor takes kontrom crystalsom the timelash to build a 10second time breakvice not knowing of the borads mutation and breeding plans for peri or the interplary war hes sparked with the bandrils who are on their way tostroy all .
doctor who 1985 season 22 epis 10 timelash part 1 ~ the pl karfel in the distant future. the tyrannical borad rules with an iron fist and any who oppose him are cast into the timelash a spacetime tunnel leading to the past of an alien world called earth.
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doctor who timelash part 2 tv database wiki fandom ~ timelash part 2 is the second and final part of the timelash storyline which ran through episs 1011 in series 22 of doctor who.the episs originally aired on bbc1om march 9th to march 16th 1985.it was directed by michael hayes and written by david fisher douglas adams and graham williams all credited ur the single pseudonym of david agnew.
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